New Images and Details on the Infinity’s Armory Update for Halo 5: Guardians

veloper 343 Industries has given us another look at the upcoming content for Halo 5: Guardians in it’s Infinity’s Armory update. The content should be launching late this month, and will include 47 new REQ cards, three new armor sets (Achilles, Mark V Alpha, and Atlas), and a new map for Warzone and Arena.

The Arena map is called Riptide and while we got a new image, the main focus of this blog post was on Warzone’s Urban, which will be a Warzone Assault map. The map is a variation on Battle of Noctus, taking place in the same general area but with a bigger focus on ground and vehicle combat. The map is also a night map, changing the visuals and lighting. A livestream for both maps and more Infinity’s Armory content will be taking place next Friday, January 22, 2016 at 3PM PDT on Halo’s Twitch channel.

Another background update will be Warzone’s garbage collection, which is when the game scans for unused weapons and deletes them after five seconds. This time limit has been increased to 20 so players will have more time to recover their dropped weapons from a previous death as well as take an enemies gun.

Forge will be receiving a grouping feature, which allows creators to craft buildings and other larger, multi-piece objects to share with the community apart from a map itself.

The Achilles armor set will only be obtainable by joining a Spartan Company and earning level 3, and then level 5 of all kill commendations.

Beginning this weekend a new playlist named Rocket Party is featured, giving players double XP for REQ packs. The playlist features one-hit kills for direct contact, unlimited ammo, bottomless clips, bigger jumps, more damage resistance, and faster thruster recharge. Warzone will also begin to ban players who idle for a longer period of time from rejoining the matchmaking for that mode.

Lastly 343 shined a spotlight on some community forge maps, all remakes of previous Halo multiplayer maps. Chill Out from Halo: Combat Evolved by Joedannyman, Deadline (Terminal) from Halo 2 by Lookmumnoscope, Sandtrap from Halo 3 by Wyvernzu, and The Pit from Halo 3 by Ilsilentii.

The remakes play real well. Almost exact replicas.

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Achilles Helmet is pretty bad ass.


I’ll be returning to Halo MP once we wrap up this BLOPS3 tournament. Love the fact they’re releasing all this DLC for free. We always bitch about DLC, the cost and how it splits the community. Now we have a game that does away with that, we should really support them. Show game devs this is what we want.

Besides, Monday Night Halo have been some of the best custom games we’ve played in a long time. The game plays smooth, people can hear everyone and lobby stays together. Imagine that.

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This is about the only game I play consistent right now probably til the division comes out. Let me know if anyone wants to run some games!

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Alright man will do!

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The update is out.