New Member on Xbox One

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to Introduce myself, my name is Marty. I love Playing 1st and 3rd person shooters. I am 41 years old looking for people to play on Xbox One. My GT xxReaperMANxx10 I am married with a 10 year old son, I run my own business and find gaming to be a release from everyday strife, apart from when playing COD where my language can tend to get a little explicit. Look forward to playing with you all.


Welcome to the group! TexasReaperCrew on XB1. I added you to my friends.

What are you playing right now? Alot of us are into Destiny right now, some will be playing RB6 beta this weekend, and waiting patiently for CoD.

Look forward to gaming with you!

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Welcome to the community! Watch out for some of the Xbox guys they might want to “release” themselves on you! LOL!

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I am currently still playing COD AW, also just got my email last night for RB6, also playing Destiny but I just started on XB1 having previously played on PS3. Also I am enjoying Warframe.

I think most of us have moved on from AW at this point. We have a few members playing Destiny with low level toons if you want some help leveling up.

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Welcome to that nut house.


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Absolutely, I would welcome the help.

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Welcome to the fold! GT:TheGrayBush00

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Welcome to the clan !!! I still play COD AW from time to time as well as play World of Tanks , Titanfall and many others . Doing the RB6 beta this weekend and waiting for BLOPS III to release . Didn’t fall for the Destiny Taken King bullshit because year one sucked major balls , so deleted the Desting ( I spelled it right ) game and fuck BUNGIE’s lying ass .


Wow Hawk! Welcome to GRG @ReaperMan10. There will be someone playing a shooter almost all the time. Spam for invites or just jump in, we are all happy to get you in a game. IAdd me to you friends list, I will be back on Sunday.
X1 GT: The Body Farmer

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Welcome aboard.

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But, but, don’t leave us

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Welcome to the community!!

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Welcome sir. GT: DuvalFunk

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Welcome to GRG, and my apologies for not noticing this sooner. FR Sent!

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welcome to the clan

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Welcome man, I’ve added you.