New to Destiny 2 on xbox

Hello everyone I just bought Destiny 2 for xbox after waiting till I felt it was a good time to buy it. I’m not new to Destiny as a whole just Destiny 2 so I’m trying to power through the story and get my main to at least the beginning of the Forsaken story, I have a secondary I used my power level thing for but won’t mess with till my main reaches the forsaken story, but anyways I’m seeing if anyone else is new and wants to tag along when im on



We have a ton playing D2 (I saw 40 on last night) I’m in every night 9-12ish, we have some play much more than me and many play more casually (but somehow are better) GT is valiantvictory so hit me up…I’ll get you added to clan once we get connected. with so many playing guaranteed ppl to game with. Our parties tend to be fun even when we are getting wrecked in PvP or Gambit and we generally raid every weekend, for more of the same.


Alright awesome I applied for the clan just a bit ago and ya I’m on some weeknights and most weekends and once I get geared up I’ll be ready to raid for sure and I’m looking forward to gambit for sure it looks like a lot of fun. I’ll add you on xbox when I get the chance as well

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Welcome SoulessGrim… If you want help to get through the story faster, I would be happy to join your fireteam… I’m HeartlessKhan on Xbox. I’m east coast and on most nights and weekends.

Awesome sounds good to me I’ll get you added on xbox and I’ll hit you up when I play

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Welcome to the grind. I’m on almost every night and I have a character that hasn’t done forsaken yet so if you need anything we’re here for you.