New to GRG

Hey all just wanted to stop in and say hello. IGN is VampHalf-Breed real name is Chris. I have been friends with Goonie_Goblin for a long time now. He introduced me to GRG. I am 25 been gaming my whole life I play ps4 and PC. I have most of the new online gamers.


Welcome to GRG!

Welcome to GRG!

Welcome to the community! PSN: DaKlown4Life

Welcome aboard.

Welcome homie! PSN : DuvalFunk

Glad you decided to join our merry group of men Vamp. Let the good times roll.

Hey man good playing with you the other day! Welcome to the shit show

Psn: cridkid


Welcome to GRG

Welcome to GRG!

Welcome (officially) to the community Vamp! If you see us in a party, join up.

Welcome to the party.

Psn: Audible__Silence