New to GRG

Ok hey guys Highmyster here and very new to GRG family, I’m 28 years old And I’m in auto sales. so yeah that’s about it, love gaming when I can (family life though). So hope to see some of you guys online!


Welcome to the community. friend request sent.

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Welcome @Highmyster88. good to see you joined up. I thought you had already joined. might have imagined that.

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Welcome, XB1 GT Sniper T1.

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Yeah I joined but totally forgot to do the intro thing lol.

Sorry yeah I play on Xbox 1.

Welcome to GRG

TexasReaperCrew on XB1

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Welcome to the community. @Highmyster88 what games are you playing?

Friend request sent.

XBox GT - Lala Calamari


Welcome to the party

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Welcome GT beers and leafs

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Welcome to the crew homie! GT : DuvalFunk

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Welcome to GRG, Highmyster! Glad you joined up!

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I’m playing Arc and Roket League at the moment. Play some BO3 once in awhile as well.

Welcome to the community!

Welcome aboard. Friend request on your way shortly.

Welcome. Blankkhaos on Xbox One.

Welcome to the Jungle
XB1 xxReaperMANxx10

Hey Welcome to the shit show!
