New Xbox One Player

Hey everyone, just recently joined. I’m 30 and live in Philadelphia (originally from NYC). Mainly play on Xbox but I have a PS4 as well.

GT: TheFauc

I’ve recently gotten into Fortnite BR and have been playing mainly that for the last week or so but also play PUBG, COD, Overwatch, NBA 2K, and FIFA.

Ive been looking for mature and chill people to play with (all the Looking for Group posts on Xbox for Fortnite require like 300+ wins for some reason), so I’m happy to be part of the community. Nice to meet everyone!


Welcome to GRG

GT is beers and leafs on the XBone

Tonight is community night an we will have people playing PUBG and COD I am sure

Another Philly person!

Welcome to GRG! I have added you to my friends list and sent you a GRG XBox club invite.

XBox GT: Lala Calamari

Also, hit up some of the guys in the following groups.

@PUBGPlayers @codplayers @OverwatchPlayers

Awesome, thanks! Added you as a friend.

Thanks! Added you as a friend as well and joined the club.

Welcome aboard.

Welcome. Fortnite is what I am currently playing. If you see me on, let’s play.

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Welcome to GRG. Sent a FR your way!

I figured that was your kid playing. I’ll have to join you some night. I figured out the builder pro controller layout a bit and can almost build better than a potato.

Welcome to the Community. Sorry that you have to live near @Lala_Calamari


Welcome to GRG!

I am on both Ps4 and XBox GT = SoInZane I’ll get you some FR’s sent out shortly!

Ha, I just realized that was an option and tried builder pro last night. Definitely helped a bit but I still manage to fall out of the sky and die every once in a while when trying to go fast with the building.

Thanks! Just added you as a friend.

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He does play on my account. If you send an invite and I don’t respond, it’s him. He is out of town until Sunday evening so until then, it’s me.

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Welcome to Grg! I will add you on Xbox and I look forward to seeing you around.


Good games earlier. Do you have a mic? Wasn’t sure if mine was not working or yours. I had been having issues but I think mine was working. Will be back on in a little bit.

Hey, yea that was fun. I do have a mic. Didn’t see the party invite immediately as I was getting a delivery, so I put it on late. I figured you tried to talk initially and then just took it off, but I do have it so I’ll definitely use it next time.

Also I’ve just been playing 50v50 lately to practice building and shooting basically, but we can do duos or squads next time also.

If I’m by myself, I tend to play 50v50 myself. I’m good for whatever.

Remembered last night that I don’t have my Xbox with me right now, so couldn’t join last night.
Probably picking it up this weekend so should be around some nights next week for Fortnite Fun.