New Years Eve Ball Drop in the Dark Zone

Division 1.8 has been out for a few weeks now and I have been impressed with the revitalizing of this game. I have been back exploring the Dark Zone and have a blast. Looking to squad up and bring in the New Year with some boss farming and rogue hunting. So come join me and let’s wreck some havoc. Start time is 9 pm est. Hit me up if you looking to join

Gt: quantumklutz87


Originally published at:


Not sure what my New Year’s Eve plans are. I think my wife is ditching me to hang out with her cool friends.

I do want to see what the Division looks like on the X. I think there is an updated texture pack.

The new rogue 2.0 is alot better. You have to declare your intention of you are going rogue. Not just shoot people and go rogue

That sounds so great. I practically gave up on the dark zone because of people jumping in front of my gun and thrn killing me.

time to make sure The Division is updated…

Anyone rolling a new agent…starting from scratch? @DivisionPlayers

No but we can power run you through the missions

@brokain yes that was a pain. But don’t worry the rogues are still there you just a little advanced warning before they do. The dark zone was always my favorite place even with the trolls. I just learned to navigate around them. It is the challenge of PvP and pve both together I enjoyed. And I am enjoying the New changes to the game plus they added hunters to the underground making it more challenging down there

lol…I logged onto my main…feels like so much has changed that i need to start over to catch up.

You can always run the world bosses and grab some quick loot while gettiing the feel for your main character again

Still so much to do. New set piece and optimization

Jumping on the Division now. Gonna be on for at least hour or 2. Maybe longer. Gonna be running through the beginning…sitting at level 3 atm. Maybe venture into the DZ when I get to what ever level allows that now.

XB1 - GhstWlkrs