Nintendo is closing the Creators Program

I’m not hugely knowledgeable on this, perhaps some of our streamers are, but I understand that this is a boon to anyone who wanted to or likes streaming Nintendo content.



End of the Nintendo Creators Program & Information about New Guidelines

We are ending the Nintendo Creators Program (NCP) to make it easier for content creators to make and monetize videos that contain Nintendo game content. We will no longer ask creators to submit their videos to the NCP, and creators can continue showing their passion for Nintendo by following Nintendo’s guidelines, located at Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms | Nintendo.

The NCP will come to a close at the end of December 2018. Please note that we are no longer accepting videos and channels, and will not review any that have been submitted, but not yet registered. The NCP website will be taken down on March 20, 2019.

We appreciate and encourage the continued support of content creators, and thank them for their dedication to helping us create smiles.

It is actually a good thing IMO. Nintendo was notorious for claiming peoples YT Vids and things like that. They were not very content creator friendly. They started this program as a way to be more friendly but still micro manage content people created. You could only monetize if you were part of this program. So now they are kind of joining the rest of the world and letting people monetize as long as they also have commentary/input and follow these guidelines with being an “Overseer”