No Man's Sky Screen Shots & Clips.

PreOrder ship. Only reason I still have it is because it has a hyperdrive.

Parking like a boss. More like parking where ever the AI wants me.

Busy trading post.

Exosuit Upgrades & Inventory

Starship Upgrades & Inventory

Multitool Upgrades & Inventory


Discoveries (Yes I am still on my first planet)

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Omg! All that on first planet? Wow…I ran to my 2nd system to fast…am slowing dramatically

Question…is there a way to easily return to a previous shelter or factory etc? I go out a find items that a guy wants in a building I found but then dont know how to find my way back to that specific spot… ideas?

I’m working my way through the ‘storyline’ until I can get the blueprint to make that AtlasPass v1. Hyperdrive is filled to the brim, and I’m two or three jumps away from some ‘space anomaly’ that I’m certain will be interesting. LOL

Then I’ll settle down onto a planet and really dig in, find the wildlife, etc. Just hate having sooo much stuff locked behind those doors. :slight_smile:


Jeez, I am really back and forth on this game. i really want to play, sounds like a nice relaxing, just do your own thing game. Then im not sure i want to spend $60 for my curiosity alone…:confused:

Watch some streams?

too late. bought this morning before i left the house


Omg mining is soooooo profitable with the rite minerals…found this Emeril stuff and sold it for 250$ a piece! Woot.


Yup. Its hard to leave a planet when there are spires of expensive minerals to mine. In my part of the galaxy Emeril is going for about 275 a piece. I like the random galactic market fluctuations.

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Planet Balzack of the Cipher I System

Wasted Moon (Moon of Balzack)

Grazing Taffy

Random Ships…

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Decent starter planet with Emeril going at an ok price.

Didnt get a snapshot in the wild

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I could have sworn someone posted these guys before

Got me a new ship. 24 slots for 1.2 mil.

an hour later I ran into this guy.

Didn’t have the 15 million


Wow that’s a Lotta slots on that ship! Jeez. Say…wuts best way to post pix here? Upload from ps4 to laptop then to this site? That’s totally my next goal is a new ship…then a new multi tool. Every guy needs a good tool! Lol

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I was wondering the same thing about uploading pix and vids. Do you need to send them to your facebook or twitter and then rip them and post them or is there another site i can go to to download my pics and stuff.

For PS4 I transfer the photos to a USB drive. I only have a personal FB account and don’t do gaming shit there so that was a no for me. I do occasionally share them to twitter. Any of that will work although for twitter and FB you will have to then save to your HD and then upload to or the like so you can get a link that will actually show up in the forums. You can post any link but some will have to be clicked on to see them.