Not found

Can’t find clan in division 2 on pc ?
Is there xbox clan

We do have an xbox one under the name “Grimreapergamer” . Dont believe we have on PC.

Some one invite me as not coming up Sn0wMaN 74
For the Xbox of course thxs .

Tried to send invite, said you are in another clan.

Left resend invite plz

Invite sent @Snowman
8 spots left, someone must’ve quit the clan

Not got invite but have added you as friend now

You should have it in the clan functions within the game. I will add you to my friends list.

There was nothing in there think I might need to sort my Xbox out :joy:

Right when I click on friends clans Xbox freezes so I uninstalled and just reinstalling now lol :joy:

Try resend now bro see if it works as I am now online :joy:

Sorry. I am at work and won’t be on again till Thursday night. Try asking in discord, I believe any Agent level clan member can invite you.

@Snowman. I will try and invite you again tonight. I will be on after 9pm est.

Still nothing .

I am going to pm Ubisoft to see what is going on.

Added you grew btw

Also I requested a invite to Xbox club :sunglasses::metal:t2::+1:


Is the clan set to us only ?? For invites

@Grex did you have to pick a region when creating the clan? Is it possible that clans are region-restricted?

Edit: I haven’t found any evidence online to support this, just wondered.

Equally possible that we’re trying to invite the wrong Snowman to the clan…

All done now don’t know what was wrong but . I am in now😎