Nuketown Paintball field!

The kids and I would love to play here. Too bad it’s in Chicago. Anyone else play paintball? I know @Rtimm1 does.

Our trip to Skirmish at D-Day. Over 4000 players, it was nuts.

This is badass!

I’d love to play there. That whole place in Chicago looks like a good time.

Also, the kids and I are angling for new guns but it gets tough buying things in threes. The youngest’s air tank “broke” (probably could fix it with an o-ring), but our tanks are steel and heavy. So I’ll be ordering new Carbon Fiber tanks for all of us. Much lighter and holds a lot more air.

Also, we’re looking at electronic hoppers to feed the guns. Our current guns are semi-auto only but we can easily out shoot the gravity feed hoppers.

I’m gonna send my oldest up to you. Kid loves paintball but there’s nowhere good to play around here.

I’m sure there is.

We live near a few fields 2 smaller ones, 1 medium sized one (which I hated) and about an hour and a half from Skirmish USA. Skirmish is enormous, they have a ton of fields and is really run well. It’s pricey, but I think worth it. They have the Tippman Castle which is 3 stories tall, it’s just awesome. They also host the scenario days. We’ll be up there in Oct for Battle of the Bulge (free with our IoN badges, so we only have to pay for paintballs).

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My local field is pretty small but the people there are great. It’s about 10 minutes away. They also have an outdoor location out east from me.

If you’re looking into electric hoppers try these.

I use this hopper on my GOG eNMy and my pump gun. It only feeds about 8 - 10 balls per second, but you really don’t need more than that.

This is the loader I am using in the video. It’s a bit pricey but it’s pretty much indestructible, it’s also amazing on batteries. I used the same batteries in it for about two years without having to change them.