Oblivion's introduction.

Hello! My name is Jay, my psn is Oblivion1500. I’m down to earth, fun, and humorous ( if you get me) I’m 26 years old but im an old soul I like to think. The games I play today are mostly on the PS4 and they are as follows; PlanetSide 2, Diablo 3, Elder Scrolls Online, and The Crew.

P.S. Add me :wink:

Welcome to the club, Jay!

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Welcome and see you around. PSN: Daklown4life

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Welcome to the asylum.

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“Olz_3” on PS2
"Olz_3_US" if you’re in the US…

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Welcome to the party!!!

I’m also playing planet side, and I like to throw diablo in every once in awhile… (speaking of which i should check my in game mail box)

have you tried Rocket League?? A lot of us are playing it and it is free to download this month. We are going to set up a tournament for it soon.

I liked the crew but it could have been better, i’m looking forward to the explansion coming out this fall.

PSN- Audible__Silence