Operation Dark Hours unbeatable on consoles (Division Raid)

Oh boy, this isn’t good.



Sounds like nothing new for us console junkies to try and over come. I’ll vouch that Boomer is a bitch though.

I can’t say surprised. The downside of console FPS is we don’t have the super good aim that boomer needs.

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It has more to do with the required precision needed to kill the bosses. Also, having to kite Boomer and be able to do a 180 to shoot his chest so he doesn’t heal is almost impossible with console controllers.


Oh I agree completely. It sucks that it’s this way as a huge side of the market is not PC. Content should be equally balanced no matter the platform. Def not favor one side or another. If you build a game for multiple platforms all platforms should have a similar experience from all aspects.

Lmao the article says that PC players are beating it in 24 minutes now…get good scrubs!

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Well, apparently it can be done on the PS, but how the hell do you play for 30 hours?
Also note that there were a lot of DCs during the attempts.

As of right now, no one has beaten it on the XBox, so there’s still a chance for us.