Orphan Black - Season 5 (Final Season)

June 10th can not come fast enough.

oh wow. finally.

Whatā€™s this series on? Netflix doesnā€™t have it available for streaming.

Edit - Nevermindā€¦ I found it on Amazon.

Amazon has added a lot of content. The Pacific, Band of Brothers, the 24 series, Bansheeā€¦

Iā€™ve been pleasantly surprised with Amazonā€™s content. Although my youngest wonā€™t let me turn off Bube Guppies most of the time, Iā€™ve browsed enough to be excited about the ideas of a few of their shows.

Amazon also recently released a ā€œHow to Make Shitty Guacamoleā€ starring one of their employees. Awful.

Of their 4 or 5 new pilots only one looks interesting. Oasis.

finally able to binge watch the last season. really good show, highly recommend. Tatiana Maslany really does make the show by being able to portray all those characters really well.

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