Overwatch Beta Cinco de Mayo GRG Game Night

Join GRG for a night of Beta testing Overwatch! Our main goal for tonight is to run another night of Custom games as we mess around in the game. Lala Calamari will be hosting the XBox games. We need a PS4 member to step up and run that console’s room.


Originally published at: http://grimreapergamers.com/events/2016/05/overwatch-beta-cinco-de-mayo-grg-game-night/

I’ll be on around 9:00PM BST (EST for the non believers!). Let’s get another customs only night going. We’ll back fill in with bots as needed. We’ll also mix up teams in between rounds so not everyone has to deal with @Azalin4savioR or @HAWKLANDER (:slight_smile:).

I need a PS4 Member to step up and offer to run a room. Even if you just do public matches.

I will be on from 8pm till 10pm eastern

Do you have to pre-order the game to play the Beta?

No sir. Open beta, available on Xbox Store

It’s open beta now. Just do a search for it in the XBox store and download. It’s open until the 9th.

Last night was a good time. I’ll try and get on there again tonight.

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You are going to play again with Azline in the same game ? You are brave for one so new to the clan . LOL !!!


Found it, should be downloaded by the time I get home.

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Great games tonight, we almost had a full room. @Azalin4savioR @APMech12 @TexasReaperCrew @HAWKLANDER @beers_and_leafs @FouR187 @GrayBush @assassin_ginger @Sniper_T1


I miss @assassin_ginger

Fun times. Who’s going to buy it?


I’m enjoying the game. I already have it pre-ordered and paid