The open beta starts for everyone on may 5th, but i am looking at how many people will be in the early access beta starting on may 3rd(also a community night) so we can get into a room to figure this game out
I will be on and on XB1.
On the Xbox
Xbox One
At least i will be playing with all the people whos company i enjoy on the playstation side
I am my own best friend
I will be starting on the 3rd. I’ve decided to go with the PS4 for this.
Yay theres 1 person
I’ll be on
I won’t have it till the 5th, didn’t preorder it… not yet anyway
Going to do the beta because I put down $5.00 to get the code but if the beta sucks , I will not buy . Tired of buying games that are broken one week after launch .
Early access beta goes live at 7est I am hoping to be on by 8
Just picked up my beta code for the xbone. Hopefully see some of y’all on tonight!
Says server not available on PS4 grrr
Never got my key code from Amazon. So lame.
That’s cause you forgot to say please
Anyone who preordered from the PS Store…did you get your friend beta key in your email or did you not get it at all?
Is this available to pre-load on the PS store for the open beta?
I believe so
It’s 5 gb initially then another 5 when it starts up but you can do tutorial and practice range while it’s installing
What do you guys think of it so far??? I’m loving it personally