PC for Father in Law

My father in law’s PC is about to die and he’s looking for a replacement. He uses it for web browsing, banking and he’s really into sports photography. He spends most of his time editing the 1000’s of pictures he takes. (he has several high end Nikon DSLRs).

Anyway, he’s looking at a Dell 8700.

I figure I can find him something better. I’d like to get him in a i7 and a SSD drive for the OS and few apps he uses (Lightroom) and a 2nd HD for storage. He really wants 6 USB ports as he has a ton of USB drives to back up all the photos he has.

It looks like Newegg has a similar one but cheaper. I’d still need to add a SSD.

I then started looking at this Asus. Still need an SSD.

I think I’m going to talk him into building one. My son and I can easily do it. I don’t really keep up with PC parts so I was hoping you all could look at the build and make any suggestions. I want an i7, 6 USB slots and just the SSD.

i7 CPU -4790S Haswell Quad-Core 3.2GHz
Asrock Z97 Motherboard
16 GB of Ram. There are probably cheaper ones. Suggestions?
650 watt Power Supply. Not sure how much he will need, not much I assume. This maybe overkill.
250GB Samsung EVO 850 SSD. For the OS and a few apps.
3TB Seagate HD for extra storage - He does have several USB drives (1 is a 5tb).
Coolermaster Case - It has 4 usb in the front. Or should I get some sort of USB exp board?? Looks like it’s a micr case.
Basic DVD drive

Get this memory from Corsair. Slightly cheaper, and I’ve had better luck with Corsair in performance.

Also, I’m a little more partial to Gigabyte or Asus motherboards over Asrock.

650 watt PS should be ok. I’d only go higher if you wanted a high performance video card.

Re: case, check to make sure the board has a connector for the USB 3 front ports.

I’ll take a cheaper motherboard. I’m not married to a brand. Any suggestions? As for the 650, I pulled that number out of the air. He’s not going to get a video card, onboard video will be fine for him. He’s just editing pictures. No gaming or 3d.

the Asus looks cool. what do all the parts add up to for a price?

GSkill is good. That is what I have. Also like Asus & gigabyte boards as well. Never used EZRock.

For the uSb just get a hub you can even do internal like this. Although now 3.0

That’s a good board. I have the AMD AM3+ chipset version of it.

Ok, sent him this. This PC is way more than he needs but not bad for $840.
Intel i7 CPU - comes with heatsink and fan

Thermal paste for CPU

Motherboard extention Cable


PC Case

Power Supply

16 GB of memory

Samsung 250 GB HD - For Windows and to run Applications off of.

Seagate 3 TB HD for storage

Basic DvD player - Optional.

what about LEDs and Extermal Fans :grinning:

im actually semi serious about fans.

n/m, i see it comes with heat sink and fan.

I think the stock heat sink and fan will be fine for the cpu. I think the case comes with one. We are not putting in a graphics card and will just use the on board graphics. So heat shouldn’t be bad at all.

Case should have at least one, possibly two, fans. With no external video card, you should be fine with that and the stock heatsink and fan that comes with the i7 as long as you don’t overclock.

yeah looks good. Running stock one case fan and the factory cpu fan should be just fine with good airflow.

If he’s really into photography why not consider a Mac mini? You can get a good one for $700. It’s only an i5, but the architecture is good. It’ll have 2 thunderbolt ports for higher speed transfer drives and 4 usb3 ports. Photo editing programs for mac are really good as well.

I know you are probably anti mac, but it’s not a bad option. You can also look into an iMac for an i7 chip, but then you are driving up the cost.

Didn’t even look at it. He has an iPhone, so he’s not anti-apple like me. I know he has a lot of small developer photo apps that he likes and he’s used to the windows world.

Plus, for around $850 he’s getting a killer system. One he won’t need to upgrade for a long time.

And FU Fish! :kissing_heart:

Just trying to help… Jackass… Oh and I have had a few macs that have lasted much much longer than a PC, so, bite me

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Bite you where???

I’m not like Tuttle, I’ll take it wherever…

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amazon has some deals on PC stuff you might want to get in on.