TL;DR: Aamzon is having a sale:,n:13334275011,n:13334275011&ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&node=13334275011&linkCode=sl2&tag=bkgas-20&linkId=b7a5cacef8e74712c9de8611b5b16d06
Damn, i just put a 250 in mine.
SSD or Hybrid, like the one in the link?
hybrid. so maybe not for me. but im currently shopping for parts for a pc for my dad. jumping on this.
That 4TB Hybrid is a great drive. That’s the drive I have on my gaming PC.
Personally I’m good for pc parts for now. I bought an SSD that I haven’t installed yet and one RAM module got busted and haven’t replaced yet. I have my eye on those wi-fi range extenders, but I have decent coverage around my house so i’m gonna sit still.
I need to get a list of what you have to see what I can add to mine.
Clem, get an ssd for the OS, then a second SATA drive just for storage.
my dad wants me to build him a pc. im tempted to buy this sshd and trade him for my 1tb hd. he doesn’t really need that nice a drive for his office pc. there isn’t much on my hd at the moment, so you guys think its worth the work to swap. not sure what that would entail. The physical install is easy, just not sure what that would mean on the software side. OS is not on that drive.
If the OS isn’t on that drive, then you should be able to copy everything over, and as long as you reassign the old drive’s letter to the new drive, you shouldn’t miss a beat.
good. i ordered one. trying to get my dads build below $700. he doesn’t need anything special.