Play as different faction?

Just a quick question @Audible_Silence. I have a Vanu character on Genudine. If I play with that character, am I still going to be in the GRG Outfit? Or would that be an entirely new Outfit?

If so, that begs the question; Should we create another GRG Outfit for TR and VS on Genudine?

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I have another toon, TR on another server just to fuck around with.
I think if we were to start another faction it would be on another server
though this is unlikely as it would split up the group of us that meet and play

The other servers are very underpopulated from what I read also.

If you start a new character that is a new outfit since outfits are tied to factions.

maybe next time we have a big group… monday? we can all try TR… (i want that fucking vulcan) or VS. But i think we should stick with the Genu server. unless they merge the other 2.

daybreak/sony really need to advertise this game better.

as for GRG on other factions… i dunno about that. thinking about it there could be complications… do we recruit for that or is it just for fun?

i did it just to see the differences in the factions as far as weapons and such. planned on having one for each faction main being the NC. others for im just fucking around on my own

I already have a TR and VS on Genudine. :smile:

TR: SpiderDice

I’ll most likely be online tonight.

But dem feels…

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SO why not make tonight a VS night. anybody going to be on???

i think we should stick with Genudine.

I should be on for a little bit.

Already have one on Genudine.


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so your’e gonna make me restart my character :frowning:

Crux is sitting at VS 40 TR 20 NC 40 i think after the merge

I will I am only a BR 11 and didn’t spend any certs yet

Isn’t it hypocritical to be on Genudine though as GRG but a different faction

yes, but after looking at reddit and daybreaks forums, the population on the other servers is still LOW… not even medium. so even tho its 40/20/40, people are saying its still a ghost town and ditching there characters to make genu ones.

what bums me is my double XP boost is CHARACTER specific… good thing i got that 24 hour one…

Cool just didnt want us catching hell for playing as another faction on the same server

If i knew it was common practice u would have made them on genudine to begin with

i know, i actually asked and nobody said anything about sacrilidge so whatever… GRG2 VS begins tonight.!!!

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So what if we are playing as another faction?

Now everyone will feel our wrath!! Haha! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Spandex fairies?! I guess… I’ll join the shenanigans :frowning:


So what was everyones thoughts???

I dunno what changed, but i was a member, with XP boost, AND get the 100 certs for the first 15 levels and didn’t make as much as my NC character, dunno why… prolly coincidence.

The vanu MAX is fun cuz you can just hold the triggers, and the ability they have is temp higher damage but also take more damage… Still, i can see why poeple say teh NC Max wrecks in close quarters… cuz it does… TTK with the vanu was prolly 3x longer than NC.

didnt get a chance to really do anything else Vanu specific, only reached level 17.

As for the weapons… i feel like they are COD, and NC are battlefield… VS have no recoil but not as much damage… NC have a lot of punch and have more recoil, but IMO… i feel the recoil leads to easier headshots…

not as much stupidity on VS compared to NC, seriously the shit I’ve seen and played with is ridiculous. That hive mentality isn’t gonna get far, that’s for damn sure.

I wanted to try out the Magrider but I was 5 levels below it.

I’ll be honest, the weapons are awesome. yes the NC packs that punch but to hold down the trigger and get shots on target with the VS… I liked it alot.

But seriously, spandex fairies?! I guess I could see myself singing Purple Rain to papa Vanu.

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