Polish website says Cyberpunk 2077 will be playable at E3

The Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account sputtered to life last week with a single, solitary “beep”—the first (and so far, only) word to come out of it after four full years of silence. Now a rumor has surfaced on Polish site GRYOnline (via Google Translate) that a new trailer for the game will be shown at this year’s E3, and that it will in fact be playable—although only behind closed doors.

The site said the claim comes independently from two separate sources, and while it’s obviously just a rumor at this point, it “strongly believes” that the game will be present. It also pointed out that the rumor coincides with a report last week from YouTuber LegacyKillaHD that a tech demo build of Cyberpunk had been submitted to Sony in December 2017—an indirect connection, but if accurate, evidence that the wheels are beginning to turn in earnest.

E3 is still a good way off—it runs June 12-14 this year—but in light of the recent activity on Twitter, it seems like a reasonable bet that CD Projekt will have something to show. I’ve emailed the studio for confirmation (which I don’t anticipate will be forthcoming, but I am a relentless optimist) and will update if and when I receive a reply.

My thoughts:

FUCK YEA! Just the other day in discord I made the comment that the game isn’t even close to coming out based on my opinion of news I have read. This is a nice surprise if true. If they have a demo that they feel comfortable showing the public then they are further along than I assumed.


Not holding my breath but will definitely be keeping an eye on this.

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