- Black Ops 3
- RB6: Siege
- World of Tanks
0 voters
0 voters
pretty cool idea…almost makes me want to vote and jump on my PS4.
Forgot how to create a poll lol
Thanks @anon42851937
you should record it to see about getting it televised on the cast. showcase more of the ps4 side of the community xbox is representing over here
We need to find a way to get more of the longer videos publicized for the community. I have a couple of full game night runs that we could showcase, and I know others do as well.
BTW…if you’re streaming to twitch, make sure you send it to Youtube after you’re done. Twitch only keeps videos for 2 weeks unless you pay extra, so we can keep them on Youtube much longer to keep pimping.
Updated possible event date to 1/22. I forgot I am doing the Reapercast on Thursday lol
I know @anon3687162 I’m FIRED lol
Well I guess COD it is!