Good evening, fellow humans. I am prinzlerrrr, ruler of Omicron Perseii 8. Have you been looking to fill your ranks with that guy on your team who constantly falls off the map? Look no further. Currently embarrassing myself on the XB1, to the tunes of Destiny and TESO. If you don’t have seven Gjallahorns per character on Destiny, don’t invite me to your Fireteam, you filthy casual.
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Welcome to the clan. Interesting intro lol. TexasReaperCrew on XB1. We have ESO PvP nights Wed and Sat at 9EST. Look forward to seeing you there!
PSNer here but sure I will see you around.
Nice intro, welcome.
Gt; The Body Farmer on X1
Welcome to the community, thats the best intro in awhile.
Welcome. nice intro.
welcome to the meat locker.
Welcome to GRG! FR sent.