PS4 Games for the Fall (2018)


What games are you intending to buy/play this fall?

Multiple options can be selected.

  • Battlefield V
  • Call of Duty Black Ops 4
  • Destiny 2: Forsaken (DLC)
  • Fallout 76
  • Forza Horizon 4
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Overcooked 2
  • Divinity Original Sin II

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Preordered Battlefield and Fallout (mostly for the betas).
Will likely buy Forsaken and DOS 2 on launch.

Battlefield V

I loved 3 and 4. Could never get to grips with 1 - something to do with the era of weaponry I think.

Destiny 2 Forsaken

I have spent less and less time with each DLC from D2, but the big DLC from D1 made a huge impact and revitalised the game - I’m really hoping the same happens here.

Fallout 76

Bit apprehensive of the multiplayer, will have to see how that works. FO3 was one of my favourite games and my only criticism of FO4 / FNV was that they didn’t change much.

Divinity Original Sin II

Loving the first one on PC, the second only seemed better from reviews. Will be interested to see how this works on console and whether the GM mode is any good.

Overcooked 2

Enjoyed playing the first one with friends, completed the base game but never got around to buying the DLC level packs. Not sure if I’ll buy on PS4 though.

Red Dead Redemption 2

I’ll just say that I couldn’t get into the first one. Waiting to read reviews on this.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4

Probably not. I enjoyed the beta a little but find the idea of running around a small map in TDM just a bit dull now. Maybe I overplayed MW2. Battlefield seems more exciting to me with bigger maps, vehicles and level destruction.

Forza Horizon 4

No. I cannot compete in the sim-racing games. Burnout and Need for Speed are my limits.

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