[PS4] GRG Last Wish Raid Night 10/19

Alright @PlayStationPlayers @destinyplayers we have Riven to take down this Friday night. Lets get signed up and use the week to get as much light as we can and be prepared for Friday Night Riven slaying.

We will group up at 8:45 PM EST and will go into the Raid at 9:00 PM EST.


Originally published at: https://grimreapergamers.com/pec-events/20041/

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@destinyplayers Sign up here for a slot in the raid party. It’s important for us to get a head count ahead of time.

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I have no doubts we can get this done on Friday guys so lets get the squad together!


I’ll be on for sure and I’ll be able to see it to the end as well


You know im down

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@PlayStationPlayers @destinyplayers lets get some more sign ups!

I’ll be there in spirit, but not in actuality.

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Safe travels Mav… we’ll throw you a raid party when you return :grinning:

Bump for @PlayStationPlayers @destinyplayers

Unfortunately this is my weekend to work…

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How did it go last night?
@SoInZane, @TwistedGunsmith & @SourSmokE89.

Didnt really go anywhere. Had a late start then had a bad LFG pool and kept wasting more time finding replacements and no one group that we got seemed to work well with each other. Sadly we couldn’t even get past Shiro Chi which is pretty bad.

Hopefully more of the clan is on today/tonight or tomorrow and we can possibly get another going.

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