[PS4 Team 3] Team Booze and Snooze!!!

Team 3

Team names go. Spit ball.
Drinkin on the job
All drinks go
Too old/young to care
Rape van
Poop n scoop
Pup n suds
Inebriated troopers
Team Murtaugh (too old for this shit)
Foreign Legion - Cuz of Lance and Sam
Ummmm… yeah

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@anon70660645 the Tourney starts at 9:30ea. is this going to be a problem?? it’s a Wednesday night. if so we need to find a sub.

team shake n bake
nuked your mom
Love gun
P_______ S_______ 4 (fill in the blanks with words… like Power star 4)
grande chalupa

We still need a name nobody what has suggestions?

I like Inebriated Troopers

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So Inebriated troopers or your not my daddy?

I just want to beat dirty