PSA: How to Boomer

How 2 Boomer. @DivisionPlayers


Here is Marcostyles “How to Boomer”

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Some key points from that video.

  • Stacking Damage is priority
  • Forget the laptops. Players should focus on clearing adds instead.
  • A player or two should keep an eye on his heal box on his chest. That needs to be shot right away.
  • Go for head shots when he is kneeling.
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Keep his back to the turrets as much as possible

The person kiting him has to stay far enough away that he doesn’t start meleeing because that movement blocks the target on his chest.

It’s all so simple /s

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The one thing I don’t get when kiting him is keeping ANY sort of distance. They seem to have so much space in that video and I’m not sure how to get that.

Does he get stunned if you shoot the chest? Maybe that’s how they are creating space.

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We had someone running the Booster Hive and throwing it down in the paths in front of the turrets… boosts your movement speed a ton.

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That type of teamwork and planning is Not allowed in GRG. Our usual tactic is running around like headless chickens.