PvP 7/17 recap

We had a good night in Cyrodiil tonight. Even though we only had 4 in the group we managed to get some work done. Grex, Digital, deSoldier and I terrorized the battlefield.

We struck some easy mode shit like farms and lumber mills. We even broke out some siege equipment (Pro-Tip: you can pick up siege equipment that you used, so don’t leave it behind). Grex fails as a healer and deSoldier and digital teabagged my dead body.

We also joined a larger group as they were taking an outpost. Finally, we did manage to get a few kills in.

I think we’re planning on PvPing again tomorrow night. So bring your Non-Veteran ranked players out and join in (10-50).

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We did work on staying together. That was a major problem on Wednesday. We need to regroup and stay tight.

I am really getting into PVP. Hopefully one day we can get minimum 10 guys running at the same time.

I will try to get in on that when I can get back online. I had connecting problems this week. Really want to try the pvp in a group. Not a big fan of the quick death I got roaming by myself.

I’ll try to get online with the sorc. tonight and join up. Sounds like a lot of fun!

I guess I’ll have to work on leveling my lvl 10 so I don’t get destroyed in there.

I’ll be on tonight for PVP.

Remember to get soul gems, so we can revive each other out in the field. Do we need the Grand Soul Gems for PvP? I have 7 of them but could not revive myself or others.

Question for the pros @D1G1TALC1PHERS @Wikidpoke @WolfOfTheNorth2

Also should change the MOTD to “Hardcore ERP Action in Cyrodiil” and list whatever campaign we pick.

LOL funny you said that. I just changed it this morning to list our dedicated PVP nights. I will add the server also.

Side note…

After last night, our alliance is crushing the map. The blue alliance barely has anything left and red it about the same.

No help from any of us! :smiley:

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I’m out of town until Monday, or I’d join y’all. FSU in my absence