PvP recap 7/18

We had another good night of PvP in ESO last night. You can watch the 3 hour Twitch stream, @D1G1TALC1PHERS even got party chat added! We’re still figuring stuff out but I thought we did pretty well. We worked on rolling out as a group to save from getting ganked. We also stuck together in combat, if one person started getting attacked we all turned around and thumped the attacker. We managed to take several support areas (lumber mills, mines and farms). We almost took SirAnus Tower by ourselves before getting overwhelmed (still think we could of had it if we pushed in when the walls dropped). And we worked with larger forces on the map for to take over a Keep. Too bad it was a rough night for AD in our campaign, we were pushed back so far.

All in all, I had a blast. It was a lot of fun and a great break from questing and leveling. If you haven’t spent any time in Cyrodiil, please join us the next time we do it. It really is a lot of fun. If you have a Vet toon, create an Alt to hop in.




more comng…


Man I wanted to get in on that action last night got stuck shopping with the wife blah.

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Nice. Post that to the front page as well.

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Was my first time in bona fide PvP action and had a blast. Will definately be making it a priority to try and get on either Wed. and/or Sat. nights.


The good part of the night.


They were some fun fights. That was an action packed 20 minutes. I liked killing the 3 gankers at the beginning. They thought they’d pick off one person, wrong. We stomped them. Then killing that wave of reinforcements. I’m pretty sure they outnumbered us at the beginning but they never committed to the fight. Gave me (and a few pugs) enough time to put out a few flame ballistas. We put them on fire and everyone else cleaned up.

Good fights! I’m really enjoying PvP in this game. It’s going to be hard to go back and just level.


Man that looks awesome, good job guys.


I’m not usually one for playing PvP in a MMO but I’m having a lot of fun with this. I’m looking forward to Wednesday night.