Rainbow 6 Extraction megathread

Let’s kickoff this megathread with a list of interested players platform specific accounts and Ubisoft Connect accounts. Crossplay FTW! Let me know if you want to be added to the list.

Xbox gt: YggBjorn
Ubisoft: YggBjorn

Ubisoft: SoulessGrimm

Xbox gt: Sniper T1

Xbox gt: Destroyer T1

I am playing it and @Destroyert1 (GT Destroyer T1). Add us to the list please. Xbox.

Done! If you could share the Ubisoft Connect accounts attached to those Gamertags I will add those as well. If you aren’t using Ubisoft Connect, you should. Free account setup that allows you to claim prizes (coins) from community and personal challenges. You can use those coins to buy unique weapon baubles and skins. I claimed the Hive Mind outfits for Ela and Lion simply by installing R6Siege to the Xbox and running it. I never even played a match.

The other main benefit is the ease of connecting to players on other platforms. You can add their Ubisoft Account to your in game friends list.

Fan discussion on ways to make the drone require more tactical thought.

R6E GRG Community Night Discord Event

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Link to the 2/9 GRG Community Night Discord event for R6E

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