Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is currently in the thick of its Six International, which spans February 3rd-5th. Along with the competition, the event is offering a deeper look at the upcoming “Operation Velvet Shell” content and will be offering spoils and previews steadily throughout the weekend. In the meantime, let’s meet Mira, the second and final operator to be revealed for “Velvet Shell.”
Mira (full name Elena Maria Alvarez), like Jackal, is a member of Spain’s GEO, or Grupo Especial de Operaciones. Raised by her single father from a young age, she took on the family trade of auto repair, before later finding her calling in the police force. She rose through the ranks and was accepted into the GEO.
For a primary weapon, Mira wields the Vector .45 ACP and the ITA12L. For secondary weapons, she chooses the ITA12S and USP 40. Like Jackal, her unique ability won’t be revealed until sometime this weekend at the Invitational.
Ubisoft is also taking the opportunity to start creating interactions between the many Rainbow Six operators, even if it isn’t favorable. They’ve hinted that Eliza Cohen of the FBI, better known as Ash, and Mira do not like each other after meeting during a mission called Operation Blue Orion.

“Operation Velvet Shell,” which will include the Mira and Jackal operators as well as the Coastline map, will be available on Tuesday, February 7th. The operators will be available immediately for season pass owners and can be purchased a week after launch for everyone else, which is February 14th. If you missed it, there is also a free play weekend currently ongoing for Siege that ends on Monday, February 6th.