ReaperCast 56 - Can’t We All Just Get Along?

How the hell did @anon3687162 manage to screw up the Twitter handle in the closing?

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Was it just me or was sjam speaking at about a third the volume of everyone else?
I had to turn it up to hear him - which meant Jack was then near-shouting in comparison.

Never usually notice large volume discrepancies so wasn’t sure why it happened this time…

On a general note, thanks for doing these guys - I sometimes catch up on them whilst WFH since it gets awful lonely.

Thanks, we did notice that. We had some file problems after the show and actually have been discussing why that happened this show.

My theory is that MP3skyperecorder tends to tone down the volume of the local mic vs the volume of skype, since it records both separately and combines them in one recording after stopping. I think I had my pickup levels higher in my settings, so Jammer came out softer than normal with how that software works since they used his native recording.

Lala and I are getting away from mp3skyperecorder, so a lot may be different in our recordings going forward.

its sounded fine to me. Its really hard to normalize each persons volume as they are all on different setups

Good podcast. Topic was a good one. Never understood assholes that play coop games but just want to be dicks the rest of the group they are with. I mean if you want to be a dick in pvp, thats cool, you’ll lone wolf it and end up bringing the team down a bit.The “I won’t heal you if your in fire” is classic.

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asshats are asshats.
I gave up trying to understand them.


We would have had a short cast if we had went that route! lol

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Everyone was at the learning point of the game at some time or another. Being a dick to them because they are still figuring things out is a good way to turn people off from playing in general. ESO has a a strong presence of both sides of this. People will bend over backwards to help for nothing in return and offer up advice with no problems. Others will berate you and quit dungeons causing the group to collapse. I’ve been helping out new players on ESO and received a comment a couple days ago that surprised me. “I haven’t met someone this nice on this game in a really long time”. Not even doing anything special. Sharing a couple daily quests, making sure their gear is up to par and offering advice on trading and selling. That really says something about new players coming in and trying to find help in community oriented games like this. Like I said, we’ve all been there. Why is it so hard to offer support to other players? Help them get better and enjoy the game and we all benefit. Just because your mom nursed you too long and told you that were a special butterfly too many times doesn’t mean you can be a dick to everyone around you. Be a human. Be nice to people who are learning. If you can’t, stay off the chat and mind your own fucking business.

PTFO will always annoy me about BF. Always has and always will. It’s part of the game and there is a difference between tactical sniping and camping. It shows in their end game scores and they’ll never get better because of it.

Good episode gentlemen.


As we said in the podcast, it was a comment from a douchenozzle in ESO that created the topic. We were just doing the normal random dungeon queue. Healer got all neckbeardy MLG and threatened to not heal anyone if they “fucked up”. It was the first thing he said in the room. We weren’t doing veteran or trials, just the basic dungeon open to all levels.

We cleared the dungeon easily, I am a pro after all. Just rubbed me wrong.

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Sorry, besides Robb and Duval.


I guess were nobody. @anon36214017


You all are nobodies to me.

Seriously though, I will push for Paladins nights when the game is available to all. I know I get blinders on with BF1 as that pulls the numbers. We need to diversify more.

Great episode guys.

@xxxNAILBUNNYxxx I’d like to thank you for the help in ESO. You’re seriously a class act.

I have found that the best gaming community for a specific game has to be Kerbal Space Program. People on Reddit post about their trip around the galaxy and everyone is applauding them. Then you get the guy who just landed on the Mun and everyone is applauding him. That’s so nice to see.

We are now listed with!

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Professionals and no stranger to podcasts.

And I finally created the youtube video of the show. I’m a slacker. Embiid is disgusted with me.

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