ReaperCast Meeting 9/17 @8:30 PM EST

Hey all,

I’ll be hosting a ReaperCast Meeting to discuss our Community Podcast. Since it’s a Podcast about our community and our views on games I figured I’d open it up to all. If you have been on the Pocast, or are interested in it, or just want to be involved then please hop on into the meeting. We’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts and get some feedback. All are welcomed!

It will be held on our Discord server this Thursday (9/17) at 8:30 PM EST.

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And if you haven’t listed to an episode yet, shame on you. For your punishment @beers_and_leafs will text you picks of his coin sack until you do.

You can check all the latest episodes here.

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I know this is pinned but…bump anyway see ya’all tonight

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