Respawn Investigates Inconsistent Hit Boxes in Apex Legends

When a game has multiple characters, they usually come in all shapes and sizes with a variety of different abilities. Apex Legends is no different, but one of their characters is causing a bit of concern with hitboxes. Generally, the game’s hitboxes accurately reflect character shape, but Pathfinder’s hitboxes don’t always reflect what is part of the character’s body and what isn’t, as indicated by a video from SookieSpy. The good news is that developer Respawn is aware of the issue.

In a response to a community question on reddit, Community Manager Jay Frechette stated the team was aware of the issue and had been discussing it already. While he couldn’t give any idea as to what the team is planning to do, I’m sure we’ll hear something fairly soon.

Haven’t played Pathfinder, but I feel like I get melted immediately, while the enemies always take like 3 full magazines. It could be that I just suck

I think Gibraltar also has a large hit box. Yes, I know his character model is big, it’s just playing as him puts you at a disadvantage. @Bigfish mains him but he’s sucky anyway so it doesn’t matter.

Very true, but Gibraltar also has a shield when ADS…