Reviews are out for Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

Here is a link to the review thread. What is everyone’s thoughts on this, and are you going to get it?

I really enjoyed the first game. The combat was fun and the Nemesis System was a really cool feature. It sounds like people are really liking the expansion of that system in this game. There has been controversy about the loot box system included in the game, and that seems to be turning people off.

For me this is a definite grab once they release the Ultimate Edition at a discount. There is not really a point to buy a single player game before they release all of the DLC, and the inclusion of loot boxes in a SP game is a turn off as well.

I’ll get it on Steam next year on sale.

I’m deciding between picking this up next week or waiting a week and getting South Park. Destiny 2 is starting to wear on me a bit (after all…already have 100 hours into the game :confounded:) so got my money worth, but need something to add to the gaming mix.