Rocket League Bringing New Mode, Achievements, and More Next Week for Free

Over the weekend, Psyonix confirmed that no sequel to Rocket League is coming anytime soon, and why would it? With the regular content updates via free and paid DLC, the community is still growing, not falling off. The latest update, coming on March 22nd, introduces yet another new way to play. Longtime gamers may notice a resemblance to Super Breakout and its many clones in the all-new Dropshot mode.

In Dropshot, regular goalie nets are removed. In their absence, an electrified ball will be used to blast open holes in your opponent’s side of the new hexagonal arena, Core 707. The ball becomes more powerful the longer it goes without scoring too, clearing larger sections of the arena floor the longer it’s in play. With these dynamic scoring opportunities suddenly created, players then have to get the ball into these holes to score goals. Like the other alterations on the classic gameplay, Dropshot will be featured in its own playlist and released in a free update.

Along with this new mode and new arena will come six new achievements, said the indie house, though the details of these were not yet revealed. We’ll surely have those on site soon.

If you’ve been involved in the game’s unlockable crates and keys system, you’ll be happy to hear a new speed-themed Turbo Crate is on the way as well, which includes, among other things, a new Import Battle-Car, Endo. A nighttime variant of the Mannfield Arena will also come next week. Lastly, for the most competitive players in the Rocket League community, season three will come to a close with this new update, and give way to the commencement of season four. If you competed in season three, you’ll once again be gifted exclusive Battle-Car accessories determined by your highest rank achieved in the season.

The full patch notes should be available next week on or near the game’s March 22nd content drop.

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Awesome, another game mode I’ll suck ass in.


FU @APMech12. It’s bad enough GRG mocks me with my Rocket League gameplay. What’s worse is my kids harass me. Chances are if I’m doing good then one of my kids took my controller. Both of them play the fuck out of Rocket League and are really good at it.

I beat them nightly for it.

Full Patch notes here.

THE Hightlights

  • Dropshot game mode is now available in the unranked playlists

  • Neo Tokyo has been removed from Casual and Competitive playlists

  • Turbo Crate has been added

  • Painted Endo bodies and Tachyon Rocket Trails can be found in the Turbo Crate

  • Seasonal Easter Items can be acquired March 22 to April 17

  • Season 3 of Competitive play is ending and Season 4 begins. Titles and items will be awarded for the highest rank achieved during the season