Run Hotwire for cash

I was really struggling with this game until I put some serious time on Hotwire. Ranked up to level 22 and earned over 200 K. As long as you ride/drive the marked cars you rack up the points. I can drive but can’t win a gunfight in this game. The problem is you can’t rank up the guns without kills.

How I see Hotwire

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I haven’t tried it myself, but what I’ve seen, you just get in the vehicles and drive around for points?

Yes, drive or ride in the marked vehicles, I can drive in this game but I can’t kill anyone. In the other game modes I was lucky to get 3 or 4 kills for a few hundred points. In one match yesterday I earned over 11,000 in Hotwire. I think my average cash per minute is over 400 now. Driving the cars/choppers seems a lot easier in this game than BF4. More of an arcade style.

Hotwire is domination or conquest but Cars are the points, so to capture them you have to maintain a certain speed. it can be fun and the winning team can change extremely fast if you arent paying attention.

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Did that this morning in 2 games made 40k. Go engineer and sit in the passenger seat and repair the check points. Easy money.

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Can cars trigger off trip wires?

im pretty sure yes.

yeah trip wires, mines as well. no one drops them. as soon as i unlock the mines i am dropping them everywhere.

Breaching Charges, C4, mines, they all work wonders for blowing the shit out of cars or vans and you get a bonus for destroying a Check Point vehicle. If you work in pairs for the trap and chase it’s easy to rack up 10K in one game.

I threw on a 200% objective boost on my mechanic and just rode in the marked vehicles repairing them. I also have stunt driver on the same class to be able to drive with nitrous

I did this during the beta to level up since I’m a better bullet sponge than a shooter. Then again, I play this game as objective base. I could really care less about my KDR. Driving dynamics in this game aren’t terrible either, so driving can be fun.

i feel like the swamp level and Downtown are the best levels for it.