Saying Hi, glad I found this cool group

Hey everybody! I found GRG looking for others to play with in The Division, but it’d be cool to team up for other games too (CoD, Battlefront/Battlefield, Destiny, Halo, etc).

I’m 28, living in Seattle. It’s raining too damn much here, so I’m taking my four day weekend to play The Division open beta, but will definitely stick around, til the end of time probably.

Steam & Xbox: TripleThreatGuy


muchas gracias

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Welcome to GRG! Sent a FR your way over XBL.

What do you think is the best way to gather a group to play with - just add people randomly that I interact with on this forum? Or is there a way to join/create a clan, if that’s better?

Accepted. Thanks!

You’ll get some FRs from this thread, but you’ll also want to check the Tom Clancy Games subforum under Games to see more GRG members that are getting the Division. If you click on the avatar for each user, you’ll see their XBox tag if that’s the console they’re on. Feel free to start sending out invites.


Awesome, thanks!

Welcome to the community!

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Welcome to the crazy house! GT and PSN : DuvalFunk I’ll add you up soon!

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Welcome to the party. You should get invites from team leaders to join parties and blow shit up. Feel free to crash parties too.

There is a group that plays Halo on Monday nights.

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Welcome to GRG. Plenty of people playing multiple games daily/nightly. Look forward to gaming with you.

TexasReaperCrew on XB1

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Cool, I’ll take a look at the subforum. Thanks!

Welcome…GT beers and leafs.

Thanks very much! Looks like a group I could finally enjoy teaming up with / hazing each other

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Welcome to the asylum.

Welcome to the site.

Welcome to GRG. I’m The Body Farmer on the X!. I will see you online.

Ugh…more xbone people, ick


PSN myself but might see you around Steam and in this forum of course.