Server Hotfix 7/29

Hey everyone,

We will be performing a brief hotfix for the US servers tomorrow morning (7/29) at 6am (pacific).

The primary changes include:

A potential fix for a crash that occurs during re-spawn.
Fix for faction colors not appearing over controlled regions on the map.
Fix for the map texture load-in delay, which should result in the map opening faster as well
Fix for a zone crash that has been occurring over the past few days.
Fix for certain game actions causing voice chat channels to randomly switch.

The expected downtime will be less than 1 hour. Once we receive
approval from Sony EU, we will publish the EU servers as well. We will
message the community once Sony EU has approved.

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I like how they are coming out with fixes relatively quickly.

yeah, at least we dont have to wait weeks between fixes.

Does this mean that PSN will be down for the next few weeks ?

your really stretching aren’t you.

Hey … I got a PS3 alright !!!