Sherpa Weekend

Anyone need a Sherpa for raids or anything else? haven’t had time to get things done? wanna get one last raid or one of your first raids done before House of Wolves? Friday and Saturday night after 9 Central time I (GRG Jackal) and KFK (KoldFront Kraig) and a few of our other members are willing to help you! Anyone needing help post here and anyone wanting to Sherpa do the same. We will get you through and ready for HoW!

I may be up for a Sherpa run on Sat. I need shares lots and lots of shards. Any way we could start earlier like 8 central.

On PlayStation I’ll sherpa anyone. Add cridkid and just message me. Always willing to help run anything.

I can help Friday night.

Saturday night Mrs KFK is forcing me to be social. Damn woman.

I have yet to do any raids so ill be down for whatever both nights. I work late and probably wont be on till after midnight EST. Hopefully ill see some of you on.

First, thanks for the raids yesterday. I got a lot of cool shit (another timebreaker, voc and red death) out of both VOG and Corta on normal. I want to run Crota’s End again for my two other characters. Nightfall as well.

“Canadian Maple”


I have never done a Raid and would very much like to get in on this if possible. Should be on around midnight Eastern.

DetestedMist, XboxOne

Level 30 hunter.

I’d be down for some of that action as well if you got room.

I’m down for crota today.