site builders

I don’t know if anyone has said it but thank you for doing it! its a good site and looks great. I may bitch and whine a little bit but you guys are appreciated!



This was a lot of work and an incredible learning experience. While Grex and I may be nerds, web design, Linux and Virtual Private Server hosting is not our specialty. Which is why we had the initial hiccup. It’s a big jump from the last site. We control the server. We had to install the Operating System (Ubuntu Linux). Install the OS updates. Configure Wordpress for the news section of the site. Then set up Discourse (the forums). That was a huge challenge because it’s so new and so different than any other forum package. I think it’s worth it.

yup, Thanks a lot. Yes I am nerd and I like doing this kind of thing. Was and still is a learning experience for us.