Skype for Chat

Since it seems like we may a large group of people playing, maybe we look into Skype for chat again? Especially once we get PvP raids going.

I think you can have 25 people in a Skype call but we’ll need a PC client to start the call. XBox one can only host rooms of 4.


Yeah, if you initiate the call with a PC based user, you can get something like 20-25 in the chat. I’d be up for using Skype for chat for TESO. We need something more robust than the party system.

Maybe with Win10 they’ll get skype working better so Xbox initiated sessions can handle the same number of people as PC.

Sure, I’m thinking it will be good if we do a large party raid. Or just in general. We use Teamspeak in GW2 and will have large parties (40ish) and it works well. Even if you just go to hang out and bullshit.

I think we tried this before with BF4 and it worked. Not as seemless as XB1 party chat but we could get more than 8 people in a room.

Oooohhhh…I didn’t think of that. We could use skype to get party chat in our streams.

Yes. I think we have one. @D1G1TALC1PHERS may know. It has to be initiated from a PC to get the large party.

And who the fuck watches your stream??? :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually I have been wanting to do this for streaming for awhile, but getting everyone to use it is another story. Hopefully TESO will change that. I don’t mine running the skype room from my PC as I will be streaming from it anyway. Plus it will allow me to use my snazzy mic.

BTW, we do have a Grim Reapers Gamers Skype contact we can use as a dummy account. Now I need to find the info.

So the one person starts it on a PC and then invites us through Live?


Or can you join an existing call? If you see the GRG account up and on skype, just join in.

I know this complicates shit but I’d rather get everyone in a voice chat room than have several splintered groups.

Also, Turn off your kinect cam unless you’re Grex, Claude or Drew.

I don’t wear pants in TESO why would I wear them while on Skype?

Well then, by all means leave your camera on.

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They have a “HIDE” helmet option. I wish they had a hide armor option. It could be like NWO all over again. Memories.

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