Smite Alpha/Beta Discussion

Both Grex and I got our Alpha codes tonight and put in some games. I really dug it. It’s a lot different than games we usually play. There’s also a learning curve to the game. The game mechanics, Leveling and skills, items to buy and understanding the Gods powers and abilities. I started catching on after a few games.

I did see a Custom room setup. It’s not working for beta and I’m not sure we can do an actual private room for it. I’m hoping we can. We’ll probably see in the Beta.

One of my biggest complaints is just reading the text. This game is pretty much a port from the PC version. I know I have old shitty eyes but the fonts were very difficult to read. I’d love to see an option to increase that.

Any one else get in the Alpha?

I had never heard of this game until recently. Did sign up for the Beta and hope to get in that.

No code for me yet. :unamused:

Here is my extra code. First come first serve.


Got it! Thanks, Grex!

If I get a code, I’ll put it up here on the forum.

Boo! :grin:

Great @anon42851937 is never around for GW2 but put a code up and poof he appears!

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Duh. Free shit.

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JH, Horder of games, Player of none.

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Just got mine. I’ll start the DL tonight and try it out tomorrow.