so last night after getting my ass kicked playing cod, I decided to have a cocktail while watching the end of the basketball game. One cocktail turned into 2 and 2 turned into 4 , eventually it was 230 in the morning and I had a 4 am conference call with the India so I figured fuck it I’ll just stay up and go through the meeting half in the bag. The only problem was I needed something to do while I waited. So I decided to watch some competition cod while I was doing that I noticed all of them were using scuf controllers. Now I don’t know if it was the drinks or my admitted massive ego it somewhere around 330 I decided the only reason I was getting smoked last night was because all the little punks I was playing against had scufs too. So I did the only thing my alcohol addled and sleep deprived brain found found logical, I went ahead and spent 206 dollars on a fucking scuf controller and to make it even better I used my company card. So next week I will be the proud owner of a wildly overpriced controller that I get to explain to my wife and at the end of the month I get to explain to my boss a 200 dollar charge that has no work basis at all. All in all it was a shit show of a night but I leave you with 2 questions.
Have any of you used a scuf? If so is it remotely worth it?
What is your worst drunk purchase?