So I got drunk last night

so last night after getting my ass kicked playing cod, I decided to have a cocktail while watching the end of the basketball game. One cocktail turned into 2 and 2 turned into 4 , eventually it was 230 in the morning and I had a 4 am conference call with the India so I figured fuck it I’ll just stay up and go through the meeting half in the bag. The only problem was I needed something to do while I waited. So I decided to watch some competition cod while I was doing that I noticed all of them were using scuf controllers. Now I don’t know if it was the drinks or my admitted massive ego it somewhere around 330 I decided the only reason I was getting smoked last night was because all the little punks I was playing against had scufs too. So I did the only thing my alcohol addled and sleep deprived brain found found logical, I went ahead and spent 206 dollars on a fucking scuf controller and to make it even better I used my company card. So next week I will be the proud owner of a wildly overpriced controller that I get to explain to my wife and at the end of the month I get to explain to my boss a 200 dollar charge that has no work basis at all. All in all it was a shit show of a night but I leave you with 2 questions.

  1. Have any of you used a scuf? If so is it remotely worth it?

  2. What is your worst drunk purchase?

  1. No

  2. Honestly, my worst purchase was drinks at 1 in the morning for the wrong girl. I’m a stickler when it comes to spending.

  1. No

  2. Gunny’s sister

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You had to pay for Gunny’s sister?

I guess she really hates you. She doesn’t charge anyone else.

WTF is a scuf controller?

And Gunnys sister is a whore she asked for ass to mouth

LOL. Thats funny.

Umm. Cancel order or return. or your wife is going to make you go ass to mouth.


Good luck with that purchase

is grexy speaking from experience?

I feel like you have more thoughts solider

Little overpriced, is it worth it, I don’t know you tell me.

Fucking great story. Worth is always relative. I’m sure there is some worth to them. How much is up to you.

My worst drunk purchase is usually that last shot/scotch/martini at the end of the night that should have been a glass of water.

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