Ok @PlayStationPlayers it finally is here. Let everyone know what you think for one of the more anticipated games of the past few years.
Reviews have been strong.
I’m about 2 hours in and so far I’m very impressed. Swinging around the city has a short learning curve as does the combat but becomes very fluid once you get used to it.
I’ll report back once I finish the game.
Shooting for the end of the day are we zane? Why so quick lol
Still trying to get used to combat but loving the game. I also get the original Crackdown vibe with the backpacks all over the city to collect.
Just finished the story. Couldn’t put it down. Great game! Now to go after the collectables.
I would give my thoughts but NBA2k19 got in the way. Damn it’s great this year.
I did get to play a little bit. I love the combat. I am still trying to get used to traversing the city. I spend more time running on buildings then freely swinging through the city. I really don’t have anything bad to say about it at this point.
Not to stray too far off topic, but how is 2k19?
The prelude of 2k took up way more time than I expected too and I really enjoyed that.
As for Spidey I am having the same issue right now trying to get used to swinging from web to web but the game is very well done.
Spidey has a tendency to draw to the wall if you swing too close to a building. Sometimes throws me off, but otherwise, swinging is pretty damn good.
Now, if I could get out of my own way in combat sometimes…I’d kick some serious ass.
I might be a little biased on this since I’m a die hard spidey fan and have way way to many spider-man comics in my collection, my oldest sons name is Peter, youngest son is Benjamin and the family dog is named Parker…
I didn’t have as much time to devote to it as I wanted to cause of family stuff but I’m about 40% through it and I’ve been loving every minute of it…the web slinging takes some getting used to but once you do ooo shit is it fun…Never thought it would be so much fun trying to catch pigeons…some of the fights just seem to be dodge dodge dodge punch dodge dodge punch…but that doesn’t bother me since that’s how he fights…I’m hoping to finish it this weekend if D2 doesn’t get in the way.
But I’m loving this game and the said yesterday they are making a new game + mode so that will be awesome.
Loved loved loved having the cameo in the game just like the movies.
Been really digging into the game now and am at about 60% completion. Really a fantastic game and story for any @PlayStationPlayers Definitely at least pick it up whenever it goes on sale.
Also 1st DLC hits tomorrow.
I’ve heard really great things from quite a few people. I’ll def pick it up at some point.
I have really sunk a lot of time into it and it’s the only game I think I have platinum-ed. I really enjoyed it and it was worth every penny to me. If you haven’t, give it a go.