Star Trek Discovery - SPOILERS

Excellent episode. Makes for a great sci fi series. Those F Bombs were completely out of place. Reminds me of that South Park episode where everybody tunes in to hear “shit” on tv.

The more I watch, the further away from Star Trek this series gets. Great series though if you separate the two.

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You’re almost on board. Waffling like Johnny.

Popular Fan Theory is that they are already in the Mirror Universe. Which is why it’s not all Trekkie like you neckbeards want.

CBS has confirmed renewal of the show for a second season.

They must be making good money off their streaming service

As I say every time I like the show but it’s not Star Trek. Holodeck = not yet so they have completely fucked the canon. And admirals sleeping with captains. Shame.


You do realize they are not on a standard Federation star ship. This is a highly classified ship that is completely experimental. It’s part of that Section 31 nonsense from Star Trek cannon. What other star ship has armed guards throughout?

I don’t care what kind of experiment it is. Admiral fucks captain…captain sends her on what he knew was a mission of failure…not Star Fleet.

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Sounds like my kind of show.

Agreed. There is protocol no matter the ship. This is still a Federation vessel, no matter the circumstance. These are officers, not casual space travelers.

Great episode though.

Fall finale tonight. I enjoy the show and while they won’t share the numbers I wonder how many people that actually pay for All Access drop it right afterwards.

Do they even have anything else lined up for that service to retain it? If not then you’ll see the Trekkies bail.

Funny observation.

I was reading Star Trek’s post on Facebook about the finale and made the dumb decision to click on comments. Holy fucking hell. People need to get a grip. The fanboys of Discovery vs the haters, it’s worse that the Hatfields and McCoys. They’re threatening each other as if they’re going to come to blows.

WTF people, it’s just a show.

Its a shit series.

Wont watch it anymore.

So going to fight you like the Facebook Warriors.

I actually really like the series. I do agree that the Klingons are retarded. The special effects make their facial expressions wooded and then there’s that speech. I preferred the Next Generation’s Klingons better.

But that’s really my only issue. Other than that I really enjoy the series and am sad this is the last episode of the Season.

Which I think they will finally reveal the fact they are in the “Mirror Universe” and not in standard Trek universe.

All I can say about the last episode is…


Well, Klingon titties but titties nonetheless.

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I’ll watch it tomorrow. I feel a confused boner in my near future. So far it’s a good show.

Klingon nipples or just Klingon side boob?

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Gunny approves this post!

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I swear I think Lorca put the coordinates of Unknown in the computer right before the jump. Will we be getting a Klingon/Human baby coming after that hawt Klingon sex?

Super hawt.

How does Klingon breeding work? Who carries the child?