Stonemountain 64

For those of you who enjoy his stuff as much as I do.

I enjoyed learning more about him. I always assumed he had some form military background. NOPE. LOL I also learned where he got his online name from. The video reveals.


I watched this the other day. Heads up nerds you can get a hot wife playing video games. LOL

What blows my mind is he streams to youtube,facebook, and I think twitch all at the same time. How does he keep up with chat?

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Does he have help monitoring chat?

Maybe he uses They have a consolidated chat where you can see chat from all sites in one place. I can’t remember if that does Facebook as well, though.

EDIT: Restream doesn’t have Facebook as one of the available channels, but for 14.99 a month they allow you to stream to channels that aren’t supported natively. Not sure if the Restream chat handles that though.

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I know of an E:D streamer who only plays in VR.

He uses some text to voice program that reads his chat to him. It’s somehow able to filter out the shit spam from the actual questions or comments.

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Yea I have watched him before.