
My real name is Matt, but you guys can call me Stoner. I play FPS and TPS games on PC mostly, and occasionally on PS4. Sorry to many games to list… lol. Im 29, and am a single Father. Look forward to meeting and gaming with you all!!!


Welcome aboard. We have a Steam group you can join. Send me a FR at sjam613 and I will add you to the group.

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Welcome to GRG.

Do you play Battlegrounds on PC? We currently have quite a few searching for Chicken Dinners in that game. @D1G1TALC1PHERS @CaptainPeeJ @GrumpyInUt etc.

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Welcome to GRG! Send a FR over steam to JohnnyHustler when you get a chance.

Welcome to GRG

thanks my steam user name is 1c3m4n_k1ll3r, I’ll send requests now.


Just tried to search ya for the Friend Request…not seeing your user name show up.

My Steam Tag is: GhstWlkrs

-Game On!

Welcome to the crew!

Welcome welcome

Hi Stoner. Welcome! I’m new too but am here mainly for the PS4 action. Feel free to add me on PSN: Otagowolf.

See you round

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Cool, thanks bro. I’ll add you next time I hop on PS4.

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