Sunday Night Driving Forza Horizons 3 5/21


Join GRG for a night of Sunday Driving in Horizon 3! We’ll run a few different types of races.

We’re looking to set up some classes / style races. Pick a few style of races and car types ahead of time so people can bring their rides.

Cars Tonight:

  • S1 Class Asian Sports Cars

  • A Class Cult Classics

Backup car / class if we feel like it

  • S1 Class European Sports Cars.

Originally published at:

I may be a bit late to this. Kid’s early birthday dinner and not sure when we’ll wrap it up at (he wants hibachi).

I wanted to do make this week a ricer themed week. Old school and Modern but I couldn’t figure out the categories. I’d like to run Nissans, Datsuns, Hondas, Toyotas. Some help with categories, Prease!

My suggestions for cars this week are

Asian Sports Car S Class

Cult Classics A class (I want to race my old school skyline and couldn’t find

My non ricer recommendation (if we don’t go that route)

European Sports Cars A Class

This sis the long weekend for us up here, so I will do my best to be on, but not sure of out plans yet.

Will probably only be able to make the first part but if anyone wants to get on a little early I’ll probably be playing.

I’m good with S1 Class Asian Sports Cars and A Class Cult Classics.

I’d suggest European Sports Cars class S1 just because most are already A Class or higher.



Cars Tonight:

  • S1 Class Asian Sports Cars

  • A Class Cult Classics

Backup car / class if we feel like it

  • S1 Class European Sports Cars.
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Sounds good to me.

Nottingham owing to be able to getc 9n there tonight.

Long weekend and I’m 12 drinks in, and won’t be getting home too soon.



I got on late. Kid’s birthday dinner and I had a few drinks. No one was on forza so I went to paladins.

Yeah, that was more sloppy fingers and auto correct. Although I usually catch it and fix it.