TeardropJulio's introduction

Hello everyone, My name is Dean. I’m 25 married with two kids. I work as a industrial electrican and a United States Army Reserves soldier.
I play Xbox One, GT-TeardropJulio. I mostly play Smite, Neverwinter, BF1, ARK or Roblox with my oldest kid.
I mainly am here to get back into a gaming community again, my old community went under while I was deployed overseas! So with that being said, I look forward to gaming with you all and joining this clan!


Welcome to GRG.


Welcome to the community. Not many playing Smite but if you’re into MOBAs we have a bunch playing Paladins. Should have a group goin tonight actually. I know I will be on.

Have not said it in awhile.

Pro-Tip: If you click on a users avatar it will show thier gamertags.

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Welcome aboard

Welcome. Bigtrees86 on Xbox

Welcome to the club. I’m an Overwatch player but I’m sure I’ll see you on BF1 on community nights on Wednesdays. Same GT as the name

Welcome to GRG Dean!

GT: IIx SALT xII on xbox

Welcome to the clan.

Welcome to GRG!
GT: The Body Farmer

Sniper T1. GT on the X1.

Welcome to GRG! I added you to the @BattlefieldPlayers group.

I also added you to my friends list and to our XBox Club.

XBox Gamer Tag: Lala Calamari

Welcome to GRG! Send a FR to me at JohnnyHustler on XB1.


Gamertag: Pumpkin Rubber

Welcome to GRG


Welcome to GRG

GT beers and leafs

Welcome to GRG bro. Definitely understand the military life and how everything has changed once you get back stateside.

XB1 GT: GhstWlkrs

Check out our Mega Thread Table of Contents to get in various game discussions. If you dont see a game there and would like to see Thread started for it, let me know.

Welcome to GRG

Welcome! Let’s play some BF1
GT: CurbstompColton