Telltale Games Announces New Batman Series

Telltale Games, the studio known for its episodic releases, has announced a new Batman series at The Game Awards 2015.

Details are still scarce, but the announcement trailer depicted Bruce Wayne in a black and white comic book world. It’s unclear whether this art style will carry over into the game’s actual release, but knowing Telltale, the series will focus on developing a narrative over several months.

This is the next in several franchises Telltale has tackled with its narrative roster, from HBO’s Game of Thrones to Gearbox’s Tales from the Borderlands.

I am in…Johnny will hate it no matter what.

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This could actually work really well with the combination of narrative and QTE.

I think Walking Dead nailed it (it is all about building character backstory, plotline and then (somtimes random) bursts of action).

The other ones I haven’t enjoyed as much, despite enjoying the original game / film (Game of Thrones, Borderlands).

I really enjoyed TWD series, I think the genre worked well with the gameplay style.

Also tried Borderlands and GoT but I don’t think either of them worked as well… I got burnt out on them and stopped midway through the first season.

Batman could work well but perhaps I’m just burnt out on the game-style…

Did anybody ever play this? I see it on sale on Steam and did download Episode 1 for free to try.

Nope - though I did just start the download for the free episode.